Dr. Linda Jones
Dr. Linda Lee Jones of Brandywine, MD is a Certified Pastoral Member of the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling and has been an International Representative since April 2004.
Dr. Linda Lee Jones, PhD entered into the Counseling Arena in 1992 under the guidance of Dr. Richard and Dr. Phyllis Arno of the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) where she received Certification as a Temperament Counselor.
Dr. Linda continued her studies and received her Bachelors in Christian Education, a Master of Divinity in Clinical Christian Counseling and a Doctorate Degree in the Ministry of Christian Counseling. She is also a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor and a Clinical Christian Counselor with a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Cornerstone University in Lake Charles, Louisiana with Dr. Richard’s recommendation.
Dr. Linda is also Board Certified in Integrated Marriage & Family Therapy, Temperament Therapist and Premarital Counseling. She serves presently at the Triumphant Baptist Church in Mt. Rainier, Maryland as Coordinator of the Living Free (formerly Turning Point) ministry and facilitates small cell groups for those that have life controlling problems (LCP) and potential. She has developed and conducted workshops and seminars for training purposes since 1996 for those who embrace a calling or a desire to help those experiencing these LCPs from Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Substance Abuse, Additions to Co-dependencies for churches and local ministries and using the God-given tool of Temperament.
Dr. Linda is an Ordained Elder under the State Bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship and served by her late husband Pastor Norris A. Jones’ side for more than 44 years, 26 of those years pastoring the Philadelphia Community Baptist Church in Capitol Heights, Maryland. He was called home to be with the LORD June 4th, 2020 but she continues her work helping GOD’s people.
According as His divine power has given to us all things pertaining life and godliness through the knowledge of Him Who has called us to glory and virtue. I Peter 1:3
I trust the LORD with every fiber of my being, and I am so grateful that He afforded me the opportunity to be first in His Presence and in the presence of the Arno’s. If I had a bouquet of flowers, I would certainly give them a beautiful arrangement while they could smell them and see the beauty that they bring because they have brought so much influence in my life and my counseling. Dr. Richard rescued me in 1992 and took me under his wings and allowed me to operate in the Anointing that GOD had called me to flow in and empowered me with his knowledge and inspiration to help people in desperate need of a Savior and a need to understand who they are and whose they are, when churches had come to a place of despair and counseling in the church was a risk and not an option. When GOD’s people didn’t know who they could trust with their secret sins and understand what confidentiality look like until they were delivered and made free. In other words, when their unmet needs could be met on a GODLY level as they see through a glass darkly but then face to face (our Creator and our Savior). Out of this relationship was birthed the knowledge of Temperament.
I remembered my first experience with my Temperament, the spirit of uncertainty came upon me and for a moment I doubted, and said to GOD this can’t be me, I don’t have a hostile bone in my body and GOD spoke to me and said “this is you and I created you this way, however, I will show you how to redirect your hostility towards sin and love the individual or individuals that I am going to send you. Because, He said, I am going to send you murderers, adulterers, liars, thieves OH MY GOD! The list continued, but you have to be hostile towards sin but gentle towards the person. They will not all be on the outside but those on the inside of church that is struggling and in need of deliverance! I then hearkened unto the call. Dr. Richard was advantageous in the process of my continuing towards my degrees and I began counseling for different Pastors and Ministers clinical counseling and sent them back to their perspective churches for Pastoral counseling unless requested to do so.
My passion has always been to help GOD’s people and besides counseling one on one, group therapy, small group ministry, families, married couples, single adults and children through the theory of temperament I have opened my heart to Pastors that want their ministers trained and equipped through Creation Therapy. My group keeps me very focused and I enjoy every moment of this Study Group becoming prepared to take their closed book exams for completion. I am a Consultant for wellness, and I believed that everyone could achieve good health, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually as they elevate their awareness of behavior patterns of their temperament and take charge of their spiritual health. And, as a Colon Cancer Survivor I am a living testimony that He, Jesus was wounded for my transgression, bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him, and with His stripes I am healed. Although I had emergency surgery, wore a colostomy bag 175 days, 17 lymph nodes removed and cancer in three layers of the colon in 2013 but GOD healed and never gave me the Okay to take Chemo, so I actually went holistic! I am cancer free today. I will never say don’t take Chemo if it’s been recommended but I will say know without a shadow of doubt what GOD is saying!
In my conclusion, as a writer of 4 books, 3 of which are published and in circulation; The Devastation of Suffering of a Christian Family, Melodies of the Heart, and “Does Jesus Have A Father” A Misconception of a Divine Revelation, I give praise and glory to our GOD for my relationship with the National Christian Counselors Association, Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno, Erin, Jason and the Sarasota Academy Christian Counselors’ staff who has been so encouraging in my life. Thank you so much and may we always be together in His Spirit during this pandemic of 2020 and be blessed extremely in this New Year 2021 until …JESUS delivers up the Kingdom to GOD, even the FATHER: when He shall have put down all rule, and all authority and power. For He must reign, till He has put all enemies under His feet.
To GOD Be The Glory!