Temperament Journey for All
By Ginger McBride
What an amazing journey in temperament! My Temperament Journey began with jail ministry. Two friends and I volunteered for jail ministry having no counseling experience. We quickly found out, women in jail with drug and prostitution charges, find themselves in a hopeless state. They are sober now, but in their addiction, they had burned all their bridges with family and sober friends. After receiving their sentence and serving their time, they have no choice but to go back into their drug and prostitution environment. We were at a loss for any suggestions. The chaplain suggested counseling classes and recommended SACC and NCCA.
We started “Created In God’s Image” and “Creation Therapy” offered by SACC. By the end of those classes, we all had a better understanding of who God created us to be and His plan for our lives. We know God has a plan for everyone, but discovering it could be like playing Russian roulette or rolling dice. Maybe an idea of some future goal would come to mind. Maybe that goal was pursued for a short time; it did or did not materialize. Why, or why not? By answering these questions for ourselves, we may be able to help others find the answers and uncover the awesome plan God has for them, as well. Temperament helps provide answers.
We now have a half-way house providing help for women. We accept women from jail, either volunteering to come after their sentence is complete, or on detainer. We accept pregnant women, and those with children. We feel that part of our mission is to help women learn to become good mothers, and help children learn to trust their moms again. We are seeing lives changed. Jesus is alive in so many women. God is in the process of restoring and revitalizing lives, and we are privileged to be a part.
Our ladies may be skeptical of Temperament Therapy at first, but once they read the results of their own APS, they begin to understand who they are and why they do the things they do. We all know that identifying the problem is the first step in solving it. The steps that follow can help change behavior, in order to change the outcome. For instance, a Sanguine in Inclusion wants to be with people. Instead of taking the first invitation to go out and have fun with friends, Sanguines need to consider the effects of their decision. They may need to say “No” to toxic friendships, and call friends who they can trust to provide more favorable results by the end of the night. A Supine in Inclusion needs to express their wants and desires. They may never get an invitation, unless they tell someone they want one. Supines need to make good choices in their friendships as well to obtain positive outcomes. Melanchonies in Inclusion may have had a people-filled day, and they just need some time to themselves. They need to be able to make good choices for themselves and not be influenced by peer pressure. Phlegmatics are quick to think that time with friends may be too much trouble. They should think about others and the peace they will be able speak into the lives of others. Cholerics in Inclusion will be the ones getting the group together, even if it was another person’s idea. Even though they have all the plans, Cholerics need to give everyone the opportunity to present their ideas about where they want to go and what they want to do. Once people know their temperament, they understand
the power they have to guide their thoughts and behavior. They feel freedom in being able to be who God created them to be.
Inevitably, the residents in the half-way house, and even our volunteers, understand how knowing their temperament has helped them may better decisions. They want to help others. We give them the opportunity to take “Created In God’s Image.” It’s a great course to introduce temperament. During the class, we talk with the students about their expectations for the class and their future in counseling. Some students want to take the class to learn more about themselves, their friends, and family. Other students want to continue in their studies through multiple degrees. “Created In God’s Image” makes understanding temperament easy. Students who complete this class will have no problem understanding Creation Therapy and other temperament courses.
Knowing temperament and standing firm on God’s promises help our students step out and trust God with the plans He has for them. “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28. As believers in Jesus, He has given them His Spirit. “By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.” 1 John 4:13. He has given them gifts and a clear calling. “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Romans 11:29. He has placed them on earth to make a difference for one person or for many.
Temperament is a tool that helps us discover the uniqueness of ourselves and others. Under the direction of Holy Spirit we all have a job and purpose. Being aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and those of others, helps us advance the kingdom of God for His glory. “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.