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Member Spotlight

Writer's picture: Dr. Phyllis J. Arno Dr. Phyllis J. Arno

Dr. Pearl Gyamera

Rev. Dr. Pearl Gyamera is a Certified Member of the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling (SACC) and has been an International Representative (IR) since January 15, 2015.  She is also a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor-Advanced Certified with the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) since June, 2014.

Mind Renewal International (MRI) and Pearls Christian Counseling (PCC) was foundered in 2012 by Rev. Dr. Pearl Gyamera. MRI is a Certified Academic Institution (CAI), and our work is based in the USA but mainly centered in Ghana West Africa. The ultimate, goal of MRI is to win souls into the kingdom of God. Mark. 8:34 – 38. Due to financial constraints in Africa for most Ministries, the mission of MRI is to subsidize the cost of Christian Counseling Training. MRI currently subsidizes 90% of the cost of Christian Counseling Training in Ghana and 50% for our USA students.  

Our students are mainly Pastors, Church leaders and Workers and they pay only 10% of the cost of the Christian Counseling Training we offer. We call it “commitment fees”. People always ask why we subsidize so much? It is simple! I believe strongly in the life Changing Power of Temperament and the Anor Profile System (APS) when applied in Godly ways. It has personally changed my life and my marriage. The APS is very much need in my opinion.

I believe this is my mandate from God to bring the Biblical Theory of Temperament to Ghana. Secondly, I believe that every human being on this earth needs to know their Temperament and study the Temperament.  Also, most people are skeptical and have not caught on to this all-important subject, we are still in the phase spreading what we do and making our presence known. That is why I am willing to make the sacrifice of bearing 90% of the cost. We trust God that as more people get helped and see the benefits they will pay for the training. I also know that the begin of everything is not easy, but I will not despise the small beginning, “Zechariah 4:10”, He is faithful who has called us, 1 Thessalonians 5:24. Despite the financial difficulties, we have been able to train over 100 students, and money cannot buy the life transforming testimonies that our students keep sharing with us.

I live permanently in the USA, but I go back and forth for the work. I have trained instructors who train our students in my absence, and the instructors are paid an allowance. I also do remote meetings and training with students and instructors. Our training is mostly classroom based with instructors’ lead. We just introduced online training in hopes to reach more. We also have a model that when a church has five or more students, we send our team and instructors to run that course on that church premise. Where there a will to do something, God will always make a way. We will continue to try way that will work for use to reach more people with the Christian Counseling Training. We are open to ideas.

I want to  encourage anyone who knows they are called to bring Christian Counseling Training to other parts of the world that it is very possible they hide to the call. Remember the Lord is with you, and He will help you if you believe, step out and not quit when you face challenges and setbacks. It has not been easy for us, but we have made and still making progress. We are not where we want to be yet, but we are defiantly not where we use to be. We are very grateful to God for how far he has brought us. We have seen the hand of God helping us navigate the laws, rules, and systems in Ghana to register the organization and we are fully established in Ghana. If he has done it for us, he will do it for others.

I believe that life is about people, with people and for people. Our very service to the Lord has to do with how we service others. Matthew 25:40. This Temperament is very much needed in every sphere of life. When you establish a Church, you want people to attend, same with school, business etc. This means that people are the greatest resource on earth. A Church wants to have good people that will show the Love of God and be good ambassadors of Christ to affect others and bring them into the kingdom of his dear son. Schools wants to have good teachers and high success rate of students, Business and Companies wants to hire intelligent and good people for growth.

To have good and talented people, the people must be transformed from the inside out with the word of God Romans 12:2. The only way people can be transformed from the inside out is knowing who you are in Christ “Your Position or Standing” and to know the truth about yourself “Your State or Condition” and how to improve. Your Position in Christ as a truly born-again Child of God will not Change, it is a Gift through the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. You must Believe, Confess and Receive. 

But “Your State or Condition” fluctuates because it depends on what you have stored in your Soul. When your Soul has Right Believe System or Healthy, you will think Right and You Act and will Live Right.  For you to know if their soul is healthy, you will need the APS to review the unhealthy parts of your soul and what is causing you, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, subside, worthlessness, unbelief, unforgivers, weak will, stubbornness, bitterness, pride and many more.

When you are not well and you go to the hospital, you have blood work, scan, Xray, EKG and other test done to revile the physical disease of the body and the doctor will prescribe medication for you to take mostly with water.

The predisposed condition and the disease of the Soul is revealed with scanning the soul using the APS. That is why the APS is very power and really needed. The prescribed medication for the disease in your soul which medication cannot help, is the Word of God.  Once again, the Word of God is the medication for the Soul and the water to take the word for healing is the Holy Spirit. When we study the Word, we need the Holy Spirit, to bring understanding, elimination, guide, and the right way to apply the disease of the Soul for lasting healing from within. 

I would like to bring to your attention that, the prescribed medication for the body has side effect that can cause other diseases and cannot help the disease of the soul. But Glory be to God that his prescribed word and the water of the Holy Spirit heals you from the inside out, has no side effects and has profound effect on your physical body as well. It is also inexpensive and will never run out.

I strongly believe in the APS and the Theory of Temperament. It has helped and continue to help me in my marriage, family, ministry, and career. I am a Certified Systems Engineer full time, a licensed financial professional and a Certified Christian Counselor Part time. I am working full time to be able to make enough money to subsidize the Christian Counseling Training for mostly my students in Ghana. My Goal is to take this Christian Counseling Training to other African Countries. 

It is a joy and an honor for God to use me to bring this all important and much needed training to Parts of the USA and Ghana West Africa. I thank God for the Arnold’s who believed God despite the challenges they faced to stay the cause. Today I am a beneficially of their obedience, Sacrifice, and hard work. It is my prayer that the Lord will use me as an instrument of change to promote Christian Counseling Training and especially the Theory of temperament. 

Besides the subsidize Christian Counseling Training that we provide, we are also registered with the social welfare in Ghana, and we work closely with them to identify struggling orphanages and we provide the necessary help they need. We have an Elderly outreach program that we proved needed supplies to the elderly in assisted living and nursing homes and use the opportunity to share the word of God with the. We spend time with Widows, we have bible studies, refreshment and provide basic and essential supplies. James 1:27. My family and I also pay for the cost of education for needy smart kids in our communities from middle school through college.

As an organization we realized that all our activities are only giving the needy fish to eat and not training them how to fish and have some form of financial independence. So, we have started other initiative which includes an early child reading program, to improve reading skills in the community.  The widows will be trained in craft and entrepreneur skill to be able to make money on their own. Orphans and youth will be trained in basic computer skill, all at no cost. The world is becoming more digital, and we do not want orphans and vulnerable youth left behind. We trust and believe Gods word and know that he is faithful. We will not back down in the face of adversity. We know that surely the best is yet to come. Job 8:7.

I am very excited about the next phase of my life. My husband for 33 years and I are both Christian Counselors part time. We are currently building our own Training Center and offices in Ghana to provide full time Christian Counselling service for the hurting and our own home to continue and expand our Christian Counselling Training and other training initiatives upon retirement from our full-time corporate careers.

I want to take the opportunity to thank SACC and NCCA for the help with all the Christian Counselling Training needs. To my precious USA and Ghana Board, my instructors, for all their financial contributions, dedication, hard work, and commitment, our donors for their support to see the work of this Ministry go on from Glory to Glory in Jesus Name.

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