Why It Works
Why It Works
The Arno Profile System (APS Report), named after it's founders, Dr. Richard and Phyllis Arno, is the tool used to identify a person's temperament.
Temperament, in simple terms, is the inborn (not genetic, i.e. brown hair, blue eyes, etc.) part of person that determines how they reacts to people, places and things. In short, it is how people interact with their environments and the world around them. Temperament pinpoints our perception of ourselves and the people who love us. It is also the determining factor in how well we handle the stresses and pressures of life.
Temperament can best be defined as Spiritual genetics or God's imprint upon each one of us. Three are involved in the conception of a child, the mother, the father and the Creator.
I have been using the Arno Profile System since 1992. I cannot imagine trying to counsel anyone for any presenting problem without the results of the APS. There are so many tools available to counselors these days but the APS excels with the uniqueness of giving temperament tendencies in three different areas of God's unique design in an individual. I always enjoy hearing my clients respond to the results with amazement.
They say it is so accurate and so helpful in understanding themselves and those around them once they know the APS results. It gives them insight into both the strengths and weaknesses of how they might be expressing themselves and what they need in order to live with a minimal amount of interpersonal stress
In the course of my Christian Counseling ministry I have found temperament evaluation to be absolutely foundational to any and all approaches in guiding those whom I counsel. The APS is absolutely essential to providing Christian guidance to my clients. Not once has it failed me in diagnosing the temperament of those in front of me.
In my frame of thinking this has been a very essential too in providing me guidance in understanding the behavior of my clients. Thanks so much to the Drs Arno for providing this tool.
My experience at Central University have been eye opening and life changing. In my search for a Christian University to further my education, there was something about this university that stood out above the others, my spirit leap and I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit, that said to me, this is where you belong.
The instructors, administrators and staff were all very helpful; they went above and beyond to assist me. Everything I learned were based on Scripture, God’s word. What I enjoyed most was the personal interaction and class room size. I am so excited that, I will be returning in the Fall of 2020. I have gained a new family in the body of Christ.
The APS is a gamechanger to my ministry as well as my family. It helps the clients gained more understanding of themselves and their families. As for me, these insights allow me to see the clients for who they are and what their needs are , and thus able to provide the right counsel pertaining to them.
It is a God given knowledge to improve lives!
Using the APS in our counseling ministry has given our counselees
the power to uncover the mystery of who they are and why they make the choices that they do.
Just recently a 78 year old client revealed “I have never truly known who I am."
Let’s face it, it’s a mystery, until you have some kind of confirmation. Not only does it help me as a counselor to know my client but it offers a revelation to the client.
Coming face to face with our strengths and weaknesses can be settling and disturbing. However isn’t that where we find the prompting to further our investigation into the whys and how’s of the choices we have made for our lives?
I won’t counsel without it!
The APS unlocked the "why" of some of my deepest hurts and quirks, and set me free to heal and grow instead of being locked up inside my own head. As a Temperament Counselor, I have seen many clients experience similar "Aha!" moments through the revelations of their APS. I think the most valuable effect of the APS is to help each person realize the intentionality of how God created them so that they might experience His love and find their true purpose in His kingdom. out above the others, my spirit leap and I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit, that said to me, this is where you belong. The instructors, administrators and staff were all very helpful; they went above and beyond to assist me. Everything I learned were based on Scripture, God’s word. What I enjoyed most was the personal interaction and class room size. I am so excited that, I will be returning in the Fall of 2020. I have gained a new family in the body of Christ.
When I took the profile test in college as part of a masters level class, I did not like the things it said about me personally. After months of rejecting it, I looked again and realized it was true. For the first time in my life I was able to admit some personal faults that needed work. I didn’t know how taking the test revealed these things about me and I still don’t. But what I do know is it was invaluable to helping me grow as a person. Now as a Masters level counselor and Pastor of over 40 years, I use this test in every counseling session. It gives me in depth knowledge of my client’s temperament and pertinent advice on specific counseling techniques. Its made me a better pets and a more effective counselor.
Dr Ron Keller is an expert in helping anyone, from an individual in his private practice to those he consults with in top leadership roles to understand their Temperament. Temperament analysis captures the unchanging inner core of a person: how they think, communicate, relate to others, make decisions, what motivates them, and more. There are many personality profiles, but personality is a moving target which can change with our circumstances, life seasons, even the weather. Temperament analysis is a very unique and effective approach for talent placement, career path development, and team building. Understanding, accepting, appreciating and respecting your Temperament enables you to live a life perfectly suited for you - to live a fulfilling, meaningful, purposeful life, making the greatest impact possible on the world around you.
Ron Keller is a corporate consultant and has his own successful private counseling practice. He has a Bachelors in Business, an MA in Theology and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. He is a certified Temperament Therapist and has worked with individuals, groups and leadership teams from large corporations (such as 3M, Target, Medtronic, Cargill, General Mills) as well as many non-profits. He is a proficient speaker and teacher, teaching classes and workshops regularly, and is the author of several books, two of them previously published by Thomas Nelson Publishing